Legacy Giving

Many people have decided to leave a lasting legacy by making a gift to EFAA through their will or estate plan, or by naming EFAA as the beneficiary of a retirement fund or insurance plan. Planning your legacy gifts is a smart way to manage your assets while providing lasting financial support to families and individuals working to build a brighter future.

Wills and Bequests

A gift through your will costs you nothing now and will make a tremendous impact on families of the future. Many of our donors have decided to support EFAA through their will or trust. Here are a few of the benefits:

EASY. A bequest gift is one of the easiest gifts to make. With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to EFAA.

FLEXIBLE. You can change your will at any time in the event that life’s circumstances change.

VERSATILE. You can structure a bequest to leave a specific item or amount of money, make the gift contingent on certain events, or leave a percentage of your estate to us.

TAX ADVANTAGES. Your lifetime gift may be an opportunity to reduce or eliminate estate taxes and lessen the tax burden on your family.

IMPACT. A gift through your will or trust will leave a lasting legacy and help countless families on their journey to becoming more resilient.

Sample Language

Share this sentence with your attorney:

“I bequeath to Emergency Family Assistance Association, a nonprofit corporation located in Boulder, Colorado, with Federal tax identification number 84-0454115, the sum of _______; or _______% of my estate; or the following property _______; or the rest, residue, and remainder of my estate.”

Other Gift Options

  • Retirement Assets Consider naming EFAA as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of a retirement account, such as an IRA, 401k, 403b, pension or other tax deferred plan.
  • Donor Advised Fund Consider naming EFAA as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of your donor advised fund.
  • Life Insurance Consider naming EFAA as a beneficiary or contingent beneficiary of a life insurance policy, or name EFAA the owner of a life insurance policy that’s no longer needed or will no longer benefit your survivors.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts or Charitable Lead Trusts These more sophisticated giving vehicles can help with retirement, estate planning, and tax management, offering flexibility, some control over your intended charitable beneficiaries, as well as lifetime income.

Please consult your financial planner or tax advisor to determine the best options for you.


EFAA Next is a giving society that honors individuals who have committed to leaving a gift to EFAA through their estate plans. EFAA Next members enjoy numerous benefits, including inclusion on EFAA Next membership listings, informative publications, and invitations to occasional insider events.

Thank you to our EFAA Next Members!

  • Carol Fitchette-Asprey and Tom Asprey
  • Bob Braudes and Nancy Clairmont
  • Larry Cohn
  • Keely and Jason Cormier
  • Martha and Douglas Crigler
  • Laurie & David Divine
  • R. David and Suzanna A. Hoover
  • Glenn Johnson
  • Julie Van Domelen & Joseph Lekarcyzk
  • David & Rhonda McCay
  • Ashley Rumble & Ryan Pasic
  • Scott and Sue Reardon
  • Luci Sheehan
  • Joseph H. VanAndel & Margaret A. VanAndel
  • Karla Rikansrud & P. Diane Wild

And to the many others who have made this special commitment and wish to remain anonymous.

Already included us in your estate plans?

Thank you! We invite you to share your intentions with us so we may recognize your commitment and tell you more about the impact your future gift will make for the families we serve. Please take a moment to complete this brief questionnaire about your intentions. You can share as much or as little as you are comfortable.


For questions or to further discuss your intentions with us, please contact Ashley Rumble, Director of Development & Communications at AshleyR@efaa.org or 303-951-7696.
